Award of FCP is also recognition of commitment Embrace Netherlands

The Cultural Participation Fund (FCP) has honored Embrace Netherlands’ multi-year application. “It’s great,” says director Margot Hoiting, “that the national fund values and apparently appreciates our efforts.”

The grant will make about 50 percent of the Embrace Program possible over the next four years. Margot Hoiting: ,,That means that the search for the remaining 50% does become a lot easier and we have more leeway in realizing our mission: more music in care and society. The main premise of Embrace Netherlands.”

The FCP awarded Embrace a grant of 500,000 euros. In all, numerous organizations, including 40 Dutch organizations in the toughest stretch, requested additional financial support. Only seventeen, thus including Embrace, received the desired disposition.


Article Leeuwarder Courant – July 1, 2021