Come play drums for free with Slagkracht

On Monday, March 21, a fun workshop series begins at the Heechterp-Schieringen community center. Clout, the name of the project, is for anyone who loves to make music. To play drums, under the guidance of three experienced percussionists; every Monday evening in a group of up to twelve percussionists.

,,We are seriously working together to perform in the summer. You don’t need to bring an instrument because samba drums will be provided,” said Mees van den Bergh, on behalf of the organizing Embrace Netherlands. Coffee and tea also cost nothing.

The workshops are from 7 to 9 p.m. Sign up for the free drumming nights can be done with Mees, at You may also call: 06-11653091. Slagkracht is a project of Embrace Netherlands, Amaryllis and Wijkcentrum Heechterp Schieringen.

Workshop leaders Elian Kers, Jochem Knoef and Eric Schippers (flnr).

