Embrace Netherlands and Zorgbelang Fryslân launch podcast series ‘Social noises’

Embrace Netherlands and Zorgbelang Fryslân are launching a series of podcasts and stories about the meaning of music in healthcare and the social domain this week under the name “Social Sounds. The first episode is about the Musical Turn project.

Before that, Zorgbelang Fryslân followed former homeless people at their residential location at Wender in Sneek. Professional musicians from Embrace Netherlands visited here for 20 weeks beginning in the spring to make music with the residents. What this does to them, the reaction of the companions and the creation of the Lemmerwegband was all captured by Zorgbelang Fryslân in collaboration with Studio 441. The podcast mainly conveys the purpose and atmosphere, the article is more contemplative in nature.

The series will have a sequel in late February. Then the episode Boundless Music comes out. In this program, also created by Embrace Netherlands, “new and old” Dutch people come together weekly to meet through music.

Music as a fixture
But the collaboration involves more than that. Both organizations are joining forces to make “making music together” a fixture within the healthcare and social domain. Embrace Netherlands wants to expand its programs for music participation in these sectors and make them even better suited to the needs of the field. Zorgbelang Fryslân, an association with 70 affiliated patient and client associations and associations for the elderly, knows the healthcare landscape in the province well and can make connections with the various sectors within healthcare.

Delighted about cooperation
Margot Hoiting, director of Embrace Netherlands, is delighted about the cooperation: ,,It has been proven that making or experiencing music together is good for people’s well-being. We at Embrace Netherlands focus on the social domain, as well as the healthcare sector. We would like to share our knowledge and expertise with family, family caregivers and care workers, as well as with boards of organizations and institutions. In fact, we can think along at a strategic and policy level to implement music into their offerings. Zorgbelang Fryslân is an excellent partner to do this with. They have a large network and can reach a large audience.”

Esther de Vrij, director of Zorgbelang Fryslân, elaborates: ,,We work and think from the concept of Positive Health. This does not emphasize people’s limitations and health issues, but rather their abilities and what people themselves find of value. Embrace Netherlands’ vision and activities align well with this. To make music together is to work together for positive health.”

The podcast series Social Sounds can be listened to below.
