Embrace Netherlands selected for national research on art within healthcare

Embrace Netherlands’ Music and Dementia program is one of 15 arts initiatives selected for a broad national study of the impact of arts and culture within long-term care. The goal of the research is to provide tools to make arts initiatives that promote health and well-being of vulnerable seniors sustainable. Initiators are Stichting RCOAK, Fonds Sluyterman van Loo and ZonMw.

Margot Hoiting, director of Embrace Netherlands, welcomes the research and the contribution of the aforementioned funds: “We are all convinced of the value of art within healthcare practice, but the knowledge about it is fragmented. Sharing knowledge is very important to give art, and thus music, a permanent place within healthcare. That is exactly what Embrace Netherlands stands for and always strives for.”

About Embrace Netherlands & Music and Dementia

Embrace Netherlands is practical knowledge and expertise center for the use of music in the care of vulnerable people and their companions. Embrace Netherlands develops programs for elderly care, care for people with dementia, home care, palliative care and disability care, among others. The successful Music and Dementia program consists of a series of workshops based on musical improvisation that promotes the well-being of people living with a form of dementia. A special training program for care workers and family caregivers that provides tools for embedding music into daily care practices is an integral part of the program. Embrace Netherlands Foundation holds ANBI status.
