Improving CI wearers’ hearing with piano playing and Serious Gaming

With the CIMUGAME study, the UMCG and the University of Groningen aim to find ways to improve the hearing and quality of life of CI (Cochlear Implant) users. They are looking for people 18 and older who have been wearing a CI for more than one year to participate in this study.

During this study, the effectiveness of two different training programs will be examined; piano lessons and Serious Gaming. In the Serious Gaming program, participants receive 18 individual 45-minute gaming lessons over six months, in which they learn to navigate a virtual world, and build on that world.

Also in the piano program, participants receive 18 individual lessons. In it, participants are taught piano playing without learning to read notes. Instead, the GAME method is used; a method derived from insights from neuroscience. More information from the developers of this method can be found here.

Participants are currently being sought for the study who:

  • Wearing a CI for at least one year;
  • Becoming deaf after learning to talk;
  • Being generally healthy;
  • Not being a musician;
  • Have no experience with Serious Gaming;
  • Speaking Dutch as a native language;
  • Not have a speech disorder or dyslexia.

Do you meet these requirements and are interested in participating in this study?
Then send an email to with “Participation CIUGAME.
