Samba in the bunker of Heechterp-Schieringen

Drumming: so you can get to know your neighbors better. Because it gives you new energy. Because it swings the tiles off the roof. Because it’s heartbreaking fun: that in the first place….

Last Monday started Slagkracht: a fun and especially swinging workshop series at the Heechterp-Schieringen community center. Clout is for anyone who loves to make music. To play drums, under the guidance of three experienced percussionists; every Monday evening in a group of up to twelve percussionists.

The first sambadrum night took place in the community center’s “bunker. A rather unsociable space, but there was soon little sign of that. The rhythm of the drums made up for a lot. Most of the participants had hardly any musical experience. A trial lesson in playing guitar. Elementary school recorder lessons. It was remarkable to see that the musicians had improved considerably after drumming night.

District residents and workshop leaders drummed for nearly two hours. “It’s really a lot of fun to make music together,” said one of the professional percussionists. All levels are welcome: ,,Experience is included, but absolutely not required. Anyone who can drum a little or not at all is also welcome. Because we are happy to teach you.” And all styles of music will pass by.

Clout is based on the English Drumworks implemented in a large number of London neighborhoods. The program was devised to increase neighborhood cohesion and motivate people to get more out of themselves.

,,We are seriously working together to perform in the summer. No need to bring an instrument because samba drums will be provided,” said Mees van den Bergh, on behalf of the organizing Embrace Netherlands. Coffee and tea also cost nothing.

The workshops are every Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. Sign up for the free drumming nights can be done with Mees, at Clout is a project of Embrace Netherlands, Amaryllis and Wijkcentrum Heechterp-Schieringen.
