Second Slagkracht group starts in Freedom neighborhood

In multifunctional center Het Mozaïek in Leeuwarden’s Vrijheidswijk neighborhood, an enthusiastic group recently started the social drumming project Slagkracht. This project was initiated by Embrace Netherlands in cooperation with Amaryllis Leeuwarden.

It is the second group to begin in Leeuwarden, after the project began in Wijkcentrum Schieringen in late March. There, drummers – with and without experience – still meet every Monday to make music. This is precisely the purpose of Slagkracht: to increase togetherness and mutual social involvement in the neighborhood. Participation is therefore free and drums will be provided by Embrace.

And unfortunately for those interested in the Freedom neighborhood: this new group is as good as full, but those interested can still contact project leader Mees at Embrace hopes that it will not stop at two groups, but that this number will keep growing.

An enthusiastic group of drummers recently started Slagkracht.
