Tiene de Rek joins Supervisory Board Embrace Netherlands: ‘Incredibly beautiful things are done here’

Tiene de Rek joins the Supervisory Board of the Embrace Netherlands Foundation. She explains her rationale: “There are incredibly beautiful things being done here, with so much feeling and talent.”

Tiene, a resident of Terwolde, has extensive experience in the healthcare industry. After many interim jobs, she is now permanently employed as Director of Care and Treatment at care organization Norschoten. She also held various administrative roles for many years.

So now she is going to do this for Embrace Netherlands. A great match, according to Tiene: ,,In the supervisory position, for me, connecting head and heart comes together in this foundation. After all: the target group of elderly people I work with a lot, music as a tool and science as an underlay. It brings my imagination to life. Happy to contribute to this fine organization and its developments.”

She does so with her two fellow council members. “With a certain distance, and not operationally, but the mission and vision of Embrace Netherlands very much capture my imagination.”

She also calls the foundation’s activities “innovative. ,,I find it very interesting what Embrace Netherlands is doing. That she offers support to vulnerable audiences through music. I’d like to contribute to that innovation and its assurance within organizations, as well as how we can further roll out the offering within the healthcare industry.”
