Put knowledge to use for more
music in healthcare and welfare
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About us
Embrace Nederland works nationwide with music, to offer vulnerable people and their environment a better life. We do this with innovative programmes that are examples for healthcare, as well as for the social domain.
We always think with institutions and target groups, both on a personal and organizational level. From idea to implementation. From small to large and everything in between.
We develop these programmes and trainings to remove the barriers to the use of music.
We also call ourselves culture engineers, because we engineer solutions.
This delivers beautiful results for participants and also leads to greater job satisfaction for employees.
Care programs
We offer music in healthcare for different target groups and different locations. For example, for people with dementia, both living at home and in a care institution. We have also developed a programme for palliative care and for people with disabilities.
We design bespoke programmes that match the target group and situation. The approach can be different for each location or care group. We always work closely with our partners and work with a wide range of clients within the healthcare sector.
Social programs
‘Our goal is to bring different people of different backgrounds together through the power of music making.’
In addition to the care programmes, we also have various programmes for the social domain.
We see music, and the making of music, as an extremely fitting way to bring people into contact with each other and to make connection with each other; for an individual to contribute to a group process; and to get to know one another better and possibly discover talents that have not been seen before.
We develop accessible training courses for healthcare workers, so that they can easily use music during their daily work. Embrace Nederland wants to encourage professional musicians to extend their portfolio career to the care and welfare sector and we develop vocational training modules for future healthcare staff. We provide the internship locations for the Prins Claus Conservatoire, Hanze Hogeschool Groningen.
Curious about our projects? Click below for more information.
We believe it is important that we deliver high quality with our programmess, that we connect in the ever-changing society and that our acquired knowledge is distributed internally and externally. With our Research and Science programme, we use various methodologies to monitor, improve and optimise our programmes. We want to disseminate the results of the data collection into the impact of music on the target groups, as widely as possible in order to increase the use of music within the healthcare sector.