Palliative care

Music can not only reduce pain, stress and anxiety, but also provide more connection, relaxation and pleasure for people who have reached the last phase of their lives. We follow the guidelines of Palliative Care Netherlands. These are some of the results of the Musical Moments programme, which we have developed for palliative care. "During the music, he didn't feel any pain"; "her behaviour changed in a positive way" are two telling reactions from family members. Because of the vulnerability of the target group, customization and care is extremely important here, even more so than with the other programmes.

Target group



The Musical Moments programme is for the residents receiving palliative care and their loved ones, in a care institution or hospice. 

Embrace Nederland provides these musical moments for people in the last phase of their lives. The musical moments consist of repertoire and/or improvised music. Patients can, if they wish, think about the repertoire themselves and even join in. This is not necessarily fixed in advance. 

The underlying goal is to increase the well-being of the residents through music.  

The program is always tailor-made, both for an institution and for the residents. This varies from small, relatively easily applicable interventions to live moments, performed by professional musicians from Embrace Nederland.

The musical moments begin in the hallway of the department. People can choose whether they want the musicians to come closer to their vicinity, for example in their room or even at their bedside. The presence of musicians playing live for them can be a very special event for many people. 

During the musical moment, we keep a close eye on the patient's needs. Musicians have a lot of contact with the care workers and also consult with the family.

The most important result of the Musical Moments programme is that residents experience improved well-being through the use of music. Our practice and international research show that one or more of the following effects can occur:

  • Pain reduction or reduction of physical complaints
  • Anxiety reduction
  • Reduced nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy
  • Simple relaxation and enjoyment music 
  • Timeout and change of focus
  • Reduction in sleep problems
  • Support for problem processing
  • Improvement of mood
  • Offers guidance and structure

Learn more

Curious about the possibilities? Feel free to contact us. You can do so via or by telephone on +316 21 96 15 73.
