
On this page a photo overview of the various programs of Embrace Nederland. 

NB: permission has been expressly requested from the people who have been photographed for the use of the photos. If you do have an objection, you can report this via

Muzikale Wending

Images of the weekly musical sessions at the Wender location in Hoogezand. Photos: Jaspar Moulijn.


Photos of the ThuisMuziekZorg program, where musicians from Embrace Nederland visit people with a form of dementia at home. Photos: Jan Edwin Geertsma.

Slagkracht (‘Percussion Power’)

Slagkracht in de Vrijheidswijk, Leeuwarden. Foto’s: Hoge Noorden/Jacob van Essen.

Anders! (meaning ‘Otherwise!’)

Muziektheaterproject Anders!. Foto’s: Ruben van Vliet.
