Slagkracht (‘Percussion Power’)


Slagkracht is the youngest branch on the social tree of Embrace Netherlands and is inspired by the renowned programme Drumworks in London. With this programme we aim, in groups, to increase social cohesion and to motivate people to challenge themselves. We do this in community centres – for adults and young people – and in schools and with other interested groups.

With Slagkracht we get to places and in neighbourhoods where cultural participation is not self-evident. By making music together, local residents, young people or students discover that they have unexpected talents and can feel connection with others. We at Embrace Netherlands work together with social neighbourhood teams and schools.

Slagkracht (‘Percussion Power’)

Embrace Nederland uses trained musicians for the musical guidance. They also bring the drums and sticks for the participants, and to keep the threshold as low as possible, the lessons are free of charge 

The group meets for two hours each week in a community center, village hall or other suitable location on a fixed day and time. This for a period of 30 weeks. This can be negotiated and there is also the possibility of a series of short workshops.

The project does not end when the workshop series is finished. On the contrary. As Embrace Nederland, our ambition is for the project to continue without our presence.

We therefore use the last weeks of the workshop as training. The participants are given the tools to continue working themselves, with the focus on increasing self-confidence and thus self-reliance. In consultation with us, new goals are also set to work towards.

Slagkracht Young

Iedere woensdagmiddag in Wijkcentrum Het Mozaïek kunnen jongeren uit de Vrijheidswijk meedoen aan Slagkracht Young. We beginnen om 16.30 uur en stoppen rond 18.00 uur. Deelname is gratis. Meedoen? Kom eens langs!

Daarnaast geven we Slagkracht-workshops op scholen. In overleg kunnen we gezamenlijk de duur en frequentie van die sessies bepalen. Onderstaande video, gemaakt op ISK Piter Jelles in Leeuwarden, geeft een mooi inkijkje in één van die workshops. 

Learn more

Do you want to know more? Or are you interested in playing the drums? Please contact Mees van den Bergh, project leader at Embrace Nederland. Email:
