
We believe it is important that we deliver high quality with our programmess, that we connect in the ever-changing society and that our acquired knowledge is distributed internally and externally. With our Research and Science programme, we use various methodologies to monitor, improve and optimise our programmes. We want to disseminate the results of the data collection into the impact of music on the target groups, as widely as possible in order to increase the use of music within the healthcare sector. 


On this page we share relevant research, results and scientific articles

Neurologist Prof. Dr. Erik Scherder on Music and Dementia:

Neurologist Erik Scherder (member of the committee of recommendation of Embrace Nederland) has been pointing out for years:, that listening to music and especially making music is good for our brain, our health and well-being. Especially making music yourself has a huge effect on the development of empathy.

Artur Jaschke on the effects of music on the brain

The brain responds to music, but how does that actually work? Artur Jaschke, researcher in clinical neuromusicology at the Vrije Universiteit, takes a closer look at the responses that music evokes in the gray matter and explains some applications in education and healthcare. (Dutch only)

Scientific research

Several articles have been published on the effects of music on people with dementia. Read two of those publications below.


If you are interested in further information about music and dementia, we can recommend the following books and articles.

  • Kitwood, T. (1997), Dementia Reconsidered: The person comes first, New York, Open University Press
  • Renshaw, Peter (2010), Engaged Passions: Searches for Quality in Community Contexts, Delft, Eburon Academic Publishers
  • Sacks, Oliver (2007), Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain, New York/London, Random House / Picador PanMacmillan
  • Scherder, E. (2017), Singing in the brain: Over de muzikale samenwerking tussen muziek en hersenen, Amsterdam, Athenaeum
  • Smilde e.a., R. (2014), While the music lasts: On music and dementia, Delft, Eburon Academic Publishers
  • Zeisel, John (2010), I’m still here: Creating a better life for a loved on living with Alzheimer’s, London, Piatkus


  • Marshall, N.A. & Shibazaki, K. (2016), Seeking Asylum: The Benefits for Clients, Family Members and Care-givers of Using Music in Hospice Care, in: Asian Journal of Human Services, volume 11, pp. 18-30
  • Marshall, N.A. & Shibazaki, K. (2017), Promoting Wellbeing: Amylase as an Indicator of Changes in Stress Level in People with Intellectual Disabilities, in: Asian Journal of Human Services, volume 12, pp. 60-76

