Muzikale Wending introduced on more and more locations

We are introducing the Muzikale Wending-program at several locations of Wender – the organization that offers help to homeless people in the Northern Netherlands. Today we close a series of twenty weeks in Hoogezand. That does not stop the program. On the contrary: the staff has followed a two-part training to continue the program here independently..

This guarantee is an important part of Muzikale Wending. Embrace Nederland provides the tools and transfers the knowledge to the local team after a few months. This way they can continue to make music with the residents and clients, even without our guidance.

Over the past six months, Muzikale Wending has also been played in this format in Leeuwarden and Burgum, and after the summer we will start in Leek, Groningen and Emmen.

Listen to our podcast about Muzikale Wending and read an article about location Hoogezand, where the photos below were taken by photographer Jaspar Moulijn.

Lees hier meer Read more about Muzikale Wending