New workshop series Boundless Music in August

Have you just come to live in the Netherlands? Are you living in an asylum seekers’ center or awaiting a residence permit? If you are happy making music and also like to share that with others, Embrace Netherlands would like to invite you. In fact, a new series of workshops Boundless Music will begin in August. This is how Embrace brings people together thanks to the power of music.

What are we going to do?

We organize 7 workshops in which we make music through improvisation. We will share music from everyone’s tradition and cultural background, and we will compose and write lyrics with each other.

About Boundless Music

Boundless Music has existed since 2018 and is accompanied by Embrace musicians Jelena Veskovic (choral conductor and harpist) and Melisa Delgado (violinist). Both once came to the Netherlands as students. They work together with Friesland College, Refugee Council and the municipality of Leeuwarden. Boundless Music provided several performances during the 2018 and 2019 editions of CityProms.

Time, place and registration

The begin Monday, Aug. 17, at Theater de Bres in Leeuwarden. You are welcome from 3 p.m. and we will be finished at 5 p.m. This is a series of 7 workshops taking place weekly on Monday afternoons.

Want to participate or learn more?

Then email us:
