

In our latest programme, Home Music Care, we visit people who have a form of dementia and still live at home.’ 'Connection', 'distraction' and 'relaxation' describe some of the beautiful and valuable results here. These are some of the effects on the participant, the relatives and their relationships that have also been observed by healthcare professionals. Together we provide musical high spots for people with dementia and their loved ones and their case managers.

Due to the increasing pressure on care, people with dementia must continue to live at home for as long as possible. They are supported and cared for by relatives and home care professionals, but it is difficult for people with dementia to maintain meaningful relationships. Healthcare professionals also struggle with how they can contribute to the quality of life of people with dementia living at home. The ThuisMuziekZorg project may offer a solution.

An average of eight sessions take place with two professional musicians or a musician and a music therapist. They visit every two weeks for about an hour, each time on the same day and at the same time.


The following findings stem from pilot sessions with a couple whose husband has dementia:
• The participant was more 'in the moment', more energetic and showed old behavioral patterns before and after the sessions.
• The participant could express his inner turmoil through the piano.
• Listening to music via the IPod offered the partner peace and moments of happiness.
• The sessions also evoked emotions about the sometimes complicated situation at home.
• Music offered the couple a lot of positive energy, a lot of joy and distraction.

The case manager saw that the musical moments made the man more open and active. The partner seemed to accept the disease better and she saw that they experienced pleasant moments together through the music. The use of an external discipline – the musicians of Embrace Nederland – provided new insights and advantages, and will be used more often in such situations.

Neem voor meer informatie of een vrijblijvend gesprek gerust contact met ons op. Dat kan op 06-21961573, of via info@embracenederland.nl.

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