Interactive concerts

What happens during Interactive Concerts?

During the Interactive Concerts, musicians move between the clients, make personal contact and invite them in an open and calm way to play and/or sing along. We use several simple, untuned percussion instruments. These can be lollypop drums, shakers, maracas or sleigh bells. When choosing instruments, we pay attention to the age and the degree of disability of the participants. Everyone can participate, sing along and play along.

Music training program for (care) employees

The goal of our music training programs is to provide employees with tools to do more with music in their daily contact with vulnerable people. During the training we help employees to 'dare to use' their voice and we pay attention to awareness of sounds in daily care.

To participate, employees do not have to be able to play a musical instrument or be trained singers. Some healthcare employees already use music on a daily basis, for example to help with getting up, washing and eating, etc. We want to encourage them to be motivators for other employees.

The music training program consists of simple and effective exercises on improvised music, leadership training, evaluation and reflection. Our training courses are always tailor-made for the relevant group or care location.

We provide Interactive Concerts in residential groups and centers for daytime activities for people with mild to severe multiple disabilities. Improvised music forms the basis of the Interactive Concert. The aim is to promote people's well-being, to make contact between people with a disability and their supervisors/care workers easier and to positively influence the living and working atmosphere.

With our music training program, we give healthcare employees tools to do more with music in daily healthcare practice. Family and carers can also participate in our training courses. We always involve experts who are active within the location, such as music therapists, agogues and local professional and amateur musicians in our work.

Our program is suitable for both residential locations and daytime activities.

Effects of Interactive Concerts:

For people with disabilities:

•Improvement of physical and psychological well-being
• Improvement of cognitive, motor, social and emotional development
•Better concentration
•More pleasant and easier contact with supervisors and care staff

For the employees:

• Better working atmosphere and less stress
• Staff gain more self-confidence by developing their own musical talent and musical leadership
• Staff enjoy their work and contact with clients more
• Interactive tasks in healthcare take less time, because clients/patients are happier and cooperate better

Would you like to know more about our Interactive Concerts?

Please feel free to contact us!

