Slagkracht (‘Percussion Power’)

Slagkracht (‘Percussion Power’)

Slagkracht is the youngest branch of the social tree of Embrace Nederland. The project started in early 2022 in the Leeuwarden district of Heechterp-Schieringen and has since been expanded to the Vrijheidswijk. Since then, local residents meet weekly in the community center where they play drums together for a few hours. Meanwhile, they get to know each other better.

Slagkracht is inspired by the community art project Drumworks, which is being carried out in a large number of London neighbourhoods. The program was devised to increase cohesion in neighborhoods and to motivate people to get more out of themselves.

If you would like to participate or come and have a look, you are very welcome: every Monday from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in Heechterp-Schieringen and every Wednesday at the same times in Wijkcentrum de Mozaïek in De Vrijheidswijk. You can register with Mees:

Create your own music

Under the guidance of a professional musician, the participants create their own music, which arises from what they experience in their environment. Everyone is heard and everyone determines his or her own input, both the process and the performance that is being worked on. Those are goals and methods that fit Embrace like a glove.

New territory

With Slagkracht we, as Embrace Nederland, are entering new territory: in the neighborhoods where cultural participation is not self-evident and where the problems are greater. We work together with social neighborhood teams and schools. As with any new program, we learn by doing and we do to learn. We work with people who threaten to drop out at school due to personal circumstances or the situation at home, are lonely and expect little from society (or think they have little to expect from it). By making music together, they discover that they have unexpected talents and that you can feel connected to others.