Anders! (meaning ‘Otherwise!’)

Inclusive music theatre

Anders! is a music theatre project set up by Embrace Nederland in collaboration with the CityProms Festival, Leeuwarden. The cast is of all ages, abilities and disabilities, amateur and professional, from the region around Leeuwarden and the province of Friesland.

Together with musicians, dancers and other professionals, we work annually on a performance during the CityProms Festival. Our motto is 'Everyone has the right to a voice. Everyone belongs'.

Anders! makes performances from the perspective of the participants themselves. They adapt their stories, ideas and emotions through text, poetry, music and movement into a musical theatre performance. The journey that is made, is at least as important as the final result. The combination of professionals and participants with disabilities delivers exciting and surprising creations.

De volgende uitvoering van Anders! (meaning ‘Otherwise!’) is op vrijdag 23 juni van 18.00 tot 19.00 uur tijdens het CityProms Festival in Leeuwarden. Locatie: De Harmonie. Wil je hier bij zijn? Meld je dan aan via onderstaande knop. De toegang is gratis!

Watch the documentary

This documentary is made by Marijke Schonewille. ‘De dag dat ik op reis ga’ Marijke Schonewille. 

In it, part of the cast of Anders! Are followed on their journey to the musical theatre performance.

The 'Buddy system'

We couple the participants per discipline to a professional, creative partner, with whom they rehearse for a number of months. This creates a collaboration in which experimentation can be carried out and a specific language and form can be developed. The created material that is arrived at through the various collaborations, is bound together and further developed by the Embrace team.

Core values:

  • Inclusivity: everyone is welcome.
  • Participation: participating and creating something themselves are the most important elements, especially for those who normally do not get the chance to participate in a production like this.
  • Empowerment: how can someone with a disability realise his or her potential? How can someone without disabilities learn to understand and respect the other person? We start from everyone's own creativity.
  • Quality: We always strive for the highest achievable result, for both amateurs and professionals working side by side.