About us

CityProms Festival
Embrace Nederland originated in the open-air classical music festival, CityProms in Leeuwarden. From the outset, innovative projects and programmes in healthcare, welfare and education had an important place within the objectives of CityProms.

This social branch of CityProms became CityProms Embrace in 2014. In 2016, that became the separate foundation of Embrace Nederland., which now runs all projects in the field of welfare, care and education. The CityProms Festival and Embrace Nederland are and remain inextricably linked, with the festival, as far as possible, a platform to showcase our activities in health and social care.

Practical Expertise Centre Embrace Nederland

Practical Expertise Centre Embrace Nederland develops innovative music programmes and trainings with the aim of improving the lives of vulnerable people through music. We carry out our music programmes together with professional and amateur musicians, informal carers, care workers and students. Our professional musicians are specially trained and have followed the master module 'Music and Healthcare' at the Prince Claus Conservatoire Groningen. Embrace Nederland designs a variety of special, made-to-measure programmes. Want to know more? Mail us: info@embracenederland.nl

An Inclusive Society

Music connects, brings people out of their isolation, moves, and gives confidence. In addition, music, and especially making music, is good for health, well-being and the capacity for empathy. We develop innovative and exemplary music projects with the aim of giving vulnerable people a better life. We use live music as an innovative engine for social change and an inclusive society.


Our philosophy is that there should always be a legacy from our projects, which are always carried out in partnership with others. With tailor-made training courses for (care) staff, informal caregivers and volunteers, we provide tools to do more with music in daily (care) practice. In this way, we aim to integrate music into daily care practice.

Economic Effects

Embrace Nederland creates new jobs for professional musicians. We encourage new professional perspectives for young musicians within the Embrace Nederland projects, aside from the concert platform. We also offer an improvement in the working atmosphere for care staff, which has a positive influence on stress and absenteeism.

Mission and vision

Embrace Nederland Foundation uses music to give vulnerable people a better quality of life. Embrace Nederland also wants to make young people enthusiastic about playing music and to make a career choice as a musician within (healthcare) practice.

Embrace Nederland brings innovative and exemplary music projects to enhance the well-being of vulnerable groups and also educates of professional musicians and students to see that their work is not confined to the concert podium.

We help the well-being of vulnerable groups by organizing music programmes for people with dementia and disabled people of all ages and also for isolated, elderly people. During our programmes, we train care workers and volunteer carers to carry on and expand our work and make the experience with music more sustainable (legacy).

We create music education programmes for pupils and students in primary, secondary and higher education.

Read how Embrace applies the Governance Code Culture (GCC).

Cultural ANBI Status

Stichting Embrace Nederland uses music to give vulnerable people a better life. Since 1 January 2018, the foundation has had the status of cultural ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling).

Visie en Missie

Visiedocument Embrace Nederland – augustus 2019 (Dutch only)


Financieel jaaroverzicht Embrace Nederland – 2018

Financieel jaaroverzicht Embrace Nederland – 2019

Financieel jaaroverzicht Embrace Nederland – 2020

Financieel jaaroverzicht Embrace Nederland – 2021


Jaarverslag Embrace Nederland – 2021 (Dutch only)

ANBI formulier

Standaardformulier publicatieplicht (Dutch only) 

Embrace Nederland Foundation

Stichting Embrace Nederland was founded on October 31, 2016. 

Geke Blokzijl, chair
Tiene de Rek, secretary
Sander Baesjou, treasurer

Margot Hoiting, director
Philip Curtis, artistic director

The foundation is registered with the Kamer van Koophandel under number 6717 0722.
The directors of Stichting Embrace Nederland do not receive any compensation.

Advisory Committee

Prof. Erik Scherder, professor clinical neuropsychology Vrij University, Amsterdam
Janine Jansen, violinist
Kees Storm, former CEO Aegon Nederland
Klaas Knot, president De Nederlandsche Bank
Pieter Tuinman, barrister
Roger van Boxtel, former director Menzis healthcare insurer and fomer MP

Check out a list of our partners.
